Please include a 3% PayPal processing fee in addition to your regular tuition payment.
Our classrooms have either a waitlist or only have a few spots available. Please contact us if you have any questions. To be place on a waitlist, please complete an application and indicate which of the following waitlists you desire: 1. Preferred Waitlist requires the one-time non-refundable $100 Application fee paid immediately. This waitlist will be contacted in order of reservation, prior to anyone on the Secondary Waitlist. 2. Secondary Waitlist does NOT require the one-time non-refundable $100 Application fee paid immediately. Anyone on this list will be contacted once the Preferred Waitlist has been exhausted. *Note - as stated below, the one-time non-refundable $100 Application Fee is required upon enrollment*
Our Classes are divided by traditional Montessori age groups led by AMS credentialed lead teachers ranging from Infant to Lower Elementary.
Montessori Children's House strives to offer a variety of program options that meet the needs of our community while remaining rooted in Montessori ideology.
Montessori Morning Program (half-day) A half day attendee's day begins at 8:30 a.m. and concludes before lunch. For the early childhood classroom not including those in Kindergarten, dismissal is 12:30. Toddler aged children end their day at noon. Our half-day session follows a traditional AMS Montessori Curriculum. These children will participate in the Montessori work period, as well as group time, and gross motor activities both inside and outdoors. When in-house field trips or special classroom guests are invited to school, these visitors are scheduled for mornings so all children are able to participate.
Full Day Montessori Program Children participating in this program attend 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Lunch is between 12:00 p.m. & 1:30 depending on age group. Children staying for lunch are asked to bring a nutritious packed lunch from home. After lunch, children split off to either sleep, rest, or continue into another work cycle. The afternoon work cycle offers the child continued exposure to the Montessori materials and philosophy. While a comprehensive Montessori-based kindergarten component is featured within the early childhood classroom all day, in the afternoon we are able to offer further enrichment experiences. Supplemental learning experiences often include science experiments, art, cooking, Spanish and Mandarin. For the sake of continuity, lesson planning, and staffing children who attend our 3-day program are scheduled to attend Tuesday through Thursday. Extended Childcare The special needs of active families are recognized at Montessori Children's House, thus Childcare is offered for all enrolled children to accommodate your families busy schedule. During before and aftercare our focus is on creating a relaxed and loving environment for your child to begin and end their busy day of work and play. Since the childcare program serves as an alternative to the child's home life, extra opportunities are provided for role playing, creative projects, outdoor activities and good clean fun! Children spend time outdoors, in our gross motor space and in their classrooms using the "aftercare carts" where they are able to engage in different activities not available during the Montessori work period. Morning extended care is available from 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. Afternoon extended care is available after school from 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Morning and afternoon drop-in care is available for use on an as-needed basis subject to availability.
Tuition Our school year is 10 months/38 weeks long starting in August and ending in May/June, closely following the LCS schedule. Payments are due on the 15th of each month. The base rate listed below is for attendance from 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. or part-time attendance. If you require extended care, the additional cost is also listed below.
2024-2025 pricing:
Infant/Nido Program (6 weeks - 15 mos) $970 mo. Toddler Program (16 mos - 3 yrs) $950 mo. $800 mo. - 3 full days (Tues - Thurs) / 5 half days (8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.) program Early Childhood (3 yrs - Kindergarten) $900 mo. $775 mo. - 3 full days (Tues - Thurs) / 5 half days program (8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.) The part-time programs are not available for Kindergarten. Lower Elementary (grades 1st - 3rd) $900 mo. The part-time programs are not available for Lower El.
Additional fees: One-time new student Application Fee $100 (this is covered by DSS for our families supported by Subsidy). Yearly recurring Enrollment Fee $100 / $150 for families with returning multiple children (does not apply to new students). Extended care (7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m., 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m., 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.) $60/hour for each child per month
A discount may apply ( subject to terms & conditions) to the base rate for families of multiple children. Discount is only applicable to 5 full-day program students.
Summer Camps are available to our current, former and incoming students only. Tuition rates and payment options are released at the time of enrollment every spring.
We are please to be a Child Care Subsidy Vendor. If you want to see if your family qualifies, please see theCommonHelpwebsite.